Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why use a website copywriter?

You’ve got 5 seconds.

That’s all it takes for a potential client to click and go elsewhere. Now more than ever, you need clear, engaging web content to boost your sales and encourage customer loyalty. What’s your plan?

If you are updating an existing website, or building a new one from scratch, your primary concern should be content. What will your web copy say about your business? What kind of information do you want to give to your visitors? And how will you adequately explain your organisation’s point of difference in less than a paragraph?

Even the most seasoned business owners struggle with these questions, and for good reason; it’s tough to whittle down your professional knowledge into a few pithy paragraphs! That’s where the skills of a professional website copywriter come in.

A skilled website copywriter can help you organise your webcopy in a way that is helpful to your customers. They will help you decide which pieces of information are relevant to your bottom line, and which pieces could be better utilised elsewhere. Most importantly, a good web writer will help you differentiate between the content that your visitors are actually looking for, and the content that you thought they were looking for.

Unlike traditional copywriting, writing for the web requires an advanced understanding of the web as a dynamic, user-driven interface. Put simply, visitors enter and exit your site at different points, and are unlikely to read your content in an orderly, start-to-finish fashion. A professional web writer will take this into account, and produce dynamic copy that speaks to different users at different points.

Web writing is a specialised field requiring a mix of journalistic, marketing, and often technical writing skills. Experienced web writers bring these and many other competencies to your business.

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